Vn MOD Apk

How To Blur Video In VN Editor

Blur Video In Vn Mod Apk

Have you ever thought about how professional blur specific person or objects in videos? Blurring Is also very famous feature and it is used for different purposes like hiding sensitive content, hiding the face of a specific person, or captivating videos. Vn video editor is a famous app for its advanced features it is also show blur features to its users. The question is here how to blur video by using Vn editor.

Blurring is a very powerful and advanced feature that helps people to blur peoples faces and any other sensitive information in videos. As a content creator, you already know it is necessary to respect other people’s privacy. By using the Vn video editor you can add blur feature to hide the identity of people.

Vn MOD Apk

The blurring feature can also enhance the video quality because it removes the unneeded and focuses on the main object. By adding a blur feature you can engage his audience. Now, let’s go into the complete guide on how to blur video in VN Video Editor.

Blurring Feature In VN Editor

How to Blur Video In VN Mod Apk

If you want to blur your whole video, follow below the steps

  • Open the VN Video Editor.
  • Tap on the ” +” icon and add a new project.
  • Click on the video and add the blur effect from the blur library.
  • You can also maintain the blur intensity. The most common is around 25-30%.
  • Apply the blur effect to your entire video and export it.

Congratulations! The blurred feature is applied to your video.

How to Blur Typical Sections in VN Video Editor

VN makes it attainable to blur a typical section of your video with the particular blur feature. How to blur videos in VN Editor has been successfully addressed. Follow these steps to blur particular sections of your video.

  • Open the VN Video Editor on your device.
  • Pick the video from gallery and import it.
  • Choose the portion that you want to blur
  • Apply the blur effect and change its position according to the section.
  • Modify the vigor of the blur according to your desire.
  • Now, play the video and see the blur feature is successfully applied.
How to Add Blur In the Beginning of the Video in VN editor

If you want to add blur only at the start of the video, you can do it utilizing the VN app. Follow these steps.

  •  Launch the VN Editor and import the video.
  • Tap on the effects.
  • Choose the blur effect.
  • Now, apply the blur effect only at the start break of the video
  • After that Change the vehemence of blur and transition to create a professional video.

How to blur faces in VN Mod Apk

It is mandatory to respect other people’s sensitive information. You can blur the face of any person by utilizing the VN app face blur feature. Follow these steps to apply the blur effect:

  • Pick a video from the gallery then Import your video in VN Editor.
  • Select or locate the face or object you want to blur.
  •  Now, Apply the face blur effect on the desired areas.
  • After that, Change the vehemence and radius according to preference.

Congratulations the effect is applied


You can apply a blur effect over the entire video by adding an overlay with the blur filter or using built-in effects from the filter section.

Yes, you can simulate motion blur using keyframe animations and effects from the ‘Filter’ or ‘Effect’ menu.

Yes, by utilizing the particular blur feature of VN Video Editor, you can apply blur only to a specific section of video.

Final Words

In the period of video editing, the art of blurring is also a very advanced feature. Vn mod apk is an advanced video editor, Vn mod apk also provides a blur feature to its users, which makes the Vn mod apk famous. Blur feature plays very important role in videos to hide identities or other’s privacy. By using the blurring feature in the vn editor can enhance your editing skills.

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